
To display some facts (11-17) and values of the control variables (34-78), select the task fp_debug and enable the debug output. By default, all control variables are disabled. Below is an example configuration of a typical VM for testing

 1shell> ansible-playbook playbook.yml -t fp_debug -e fp_debug=true
 3PLAY [] *******************************************************************
 5TASK [Gathering Facts] ***********************************************************************
 6ok: []
 8TASK [vbotka.freebsd_postinstall : FreeBSD postinstall Debug] ********************************
 9ok: [] =>
10  msg: |-
11    ansible_architecture: amd64
12    ansible_os_family: FreeBSD
13    ansible_distribution: FreeBSD
14    ansible_distribution_major_version: 13
15    ansible_distribution_version: 13.2
16    ansible_distribution_release: 13.2-RELEASE
17    ansible_python_version: 3.9.17
19    rc_conf_hostname:
20    fp_domain:
21    aws: False
22    digitalocean: False
23    gcp: False
25    freebsd_install_method: packages
26    freebsd_use_packages: True
27    freebsd_install_retries: 3
28    freebsd_install_delay: 5
30    fp_install: True
31    fp_backup: True
32    fp_sanity: True fp_sanity_tags_fatal: True
34    fp_aliases: True
35    fp_apcupsd: False fp_apcupsd_install: False fp_apcupsd_enabled: False
36    fp_authorized_key: True
37    fp_copy: True fp_unarch_default: False fp_unarch_optional: False
38    fp_cron: True
39    fp_devfs: False fp_devfs_enabled: False
40    fp_dhclient: False
41    fp_freebsd_update: True
42    fp_fstab: True
43    fp_gitserver: False fp_gitserver_install: False
44    fp_groups: True
45    fp_groupwrappers: True fp_groupwrappers_install: True
46    fp_hostapd: False fp_hostapd_install: False fp_hostapd_enabled: False
47    fp_hostname: True
48    fp_hosts: True
49    fp_inetd: True fp_inetd_enabled: False
50    fp_libmap: False
51    fp_linux: False fp_linux_install: False fp_linux_enable: False
52    fp_loader: True fp_loader_warning: True
53    fp_login: True fp_login_conf_global: True
54    fp_make: True
55    fp_motd: True
56    fp_mount_img: False
57    fp_mount_iso: True
58    fp_nfs: True fp_nfs_enable: True
59    fp_nfsd: True fp_nfsd_enable: False
60    fp_ntp: True fp_ntp_enable: True
61    fp_ntpdate: True fp_ntpdate_enable: NO
62    fp_passwords: True
63    fp_periodic: True
64    fp_procmail: True fp_procmail_install: True
65    fp_qemu: False fp_qemu_enabled: False fp_qemu_install: False fp_qemu_user_static_install: False
66    fp_resolvconf: False
67    fp_smartd: False fp_smartd_install: False fp_smartd_enabled: False
68    fp_snmpd: False fp_snmpd_install: False fp_snmpd_enabled: False
69    fp_ssh: True
70    fp_sshd: True fp_sshd_enable: True
71    fp_sudoers: True
72    fp_swap: False fp_swap_enable: False
73    fp_sysctl: True
74    fp_syslogd: True fp_syslogd_enabled: True
75    fp_timezone: True
76    fp_tmpmfs: False
77    fp_users: True
78    fp_wpasuppliant: False fp_wpasuppliant_install: False
80    fp_mountd_enable: True
81    fp_rpcbind_enable: True
82    fp_rpc_lockd_enable: True
83    fp_rpc_statd_enable: True
87PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************************** ok=2 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=3 rescued=0 ignored=0


If you use the configuration from the Quick start guide enable ok hosts either by the environment variable ANSIBLE_DISPLAY_OK_HOSTS=True or in the configuration file display_ok_hosts=true.

Some tasks will display additional information when the variable fp_*_debug is enabled. For example, see the configuration of sshd below. Inspect the files in the tasks directory whether debug is available or not

 1shell> ansible-playbook playbook.yml -t fp_sshd_debug -e fp_sshd_debug=true
 3PLAY [] *******************************************************************
 5TASK [Gathering Facts] ***********************************************************************
 6ok: []
 8TASK [vbotka.freebsd_postinstall : sshd: Debug (fp_sshd_debug=true)] *************************
 9ok: [] =>
10  msg: |-
11     fp_sshd_bin: /usr/sbin/sshd
12     fp_sshd_conf_file: /etc/ssh/sshd_config
13     fp_sshd_conf:
14       - {key: PasswordAuthentication, value: 'no'}
15       - {key: ChallengeResponseAuthentication, value: 'no'}
16       - {key: PermitRootLogin, value: 'no'}
17       - {key: PermitTunnel, value: 'no'}
18       - {key: AllowTcpForwarding, value: 'yes'}
19       - {key: X11Forwarding, value: 'no'}
20       - {key: UseBlacklist, value: 'yes'}
22PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************************** ok=2 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=3 rescued=0 ignored=0


  • The debug output of this role is optimized for the default or yaml callback plugin. Set the plugin in the environment, e.g. shell> export ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK=default or in the configuration file stdout_callback = default.

  • See the details about the yaml callback plugin shell> ansible-doc -t callback yaml

  • See the list of other callback plugins shell> ansible-doc -t callback -l